The Finance Department at MedStar Family Choice DC ensures fiscal responsibility and accountability in all business decisions. We assure compliance with all regulatory agencies and prepare required filings. We develop information system solutions to identify opportunities to improve quality and assist physicians in implementing these strategies.

Improperly paid or overpaid claims must be returned within 60 days of discovery.

If your practice determines it has received overpayments or improper payments, contact Provider Customer Service Line at 800-261-3371. Please use this form anytime you are submitting a refund to MedStar Family Choice DC.

Refunds, along with a copy of the EOP identifying the overpayment and the reason for the overpayment, should be sent to the address below:

MedStar Family Choice DC
DC Claims
PO Box 715639
Philadelphia, PA 19171-5639

Information current as of: