Welcome MedStar Family Choice DC Providers

All DC residents with Medicaid must renew their coverage this year.

Please help Enrollees receive important renewal information by reminding them to update their contact information with the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) at districtdirect.dc.gov.

MedStar Family Choice DC is looking for all types of healthcare providers willing to work with us to improve outcomes for District of Columbia residents.

We strongly encourage providers certified by the Department of Small and Local Business Development to apply. If you are interested in joining the MedStar Family Choice DC provider network, please contact our Provider Relations Department at 855-798-4244 or via email at

Clinical Practice Guidelines

A listing of guidelines for a variety of conditions.

Pharmacy and Formulary Information

Learn about the approved medications available for our physicians to prescribe.

Preauthorization and Utilization Management

Reviewers and physician advisors are available to discuss any and all utilization management decisions, questions or issues.

Additional information

two doctors with their arms crossed look at the camera

Learn how to become a MedStar Family Choice DC provider.

MedStar Family Choice logo
Learn about the DC Healthy Families and DC Healthcare Alliance programs and requirements of providers participating in MedStar Family Choice DC.
two healthcare providers smile at the camera

Primary care providers must use the Uniform Consultation Referral Form when referring MedStar Family Choice DC enrollees to Specialists. 

doctor with a stethoscope around her neck looks down at a chart in her hands

MedStar Family Choice DC strives to ensure that its enrollees receive high quality health care services. To achieve its quality improvement goals, MedStar Family Choice DC participates in a variety of Quality Monitoring programs.

Family with kids

Click the link below to search our online, local resource directory for free or low-cost services to support families, such as help with medical care, food, utilities, transportation, and more.

Information current as of: