How to enroll in MedStar Family Choice District of Columbia
If you are eligible for DC Medicaid, there are many ways to enroll with MedStar Family Choice DC:
Visit DCHealthyFamilies.com and click enroll and then select get started
Call DC Healthy Families/DC Healthcare Alliance at 202-639-4030 or 800-620-7802 (TTY/TDD 202-639-4041)
DC Healthy Families/DC Healthcare Alliance is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Mail – complete the enrollment application you received in the mail
MedStar Family Choice DC works with the District of Columbia to provide health care to Medicaid recipients through the Department of Health Care Finance Program. Enrollment is year-round, so you can enroll at any time.
MedStar Family Choice DC is part of MedStar Health, the region’s largest healthcare system with 5,000 physicians located near you.
Benefits of enrolling in MedStar Family Choice DC
Over-the-counter drugs as ordered by your doctor
Covered items include cough and cold drugs, fever and pain drugs, and vitamins and supplements. Refills are permitted.
Access to our MedStar Family Choice DC Wellness Programs
Includes health education classes, screenings, and fitness classes
Transportation to doctor appointments and many community resources
Assistance with housing, employment, food access, new mother/new parent support, support groups, help to quit smoking, and enrollment/renewal of benefits
Referrals to prepared and delivered meals for high-risk enrollees as directed by MedStar Family Choice DC case managers
Referral to grocery or produce delivery as directed by MedStar Family Choice DC case manager or your doctor
Information current as of: